Rökstólar Samvinnumiðstöð

Course in Iceland (ERASMUS+ for all / ERASMUS+ fyrir alla)

15/04/2019 09:40

May 2nd 2019, in AKUREYRI (Rósenborg), between 13.00 - 17.00, we´re hosting a course in cooperation with the NATIONAL AGENCY for ERASMUS+ in Iceland. 

The course focuses on work with INCLUSION and DIVERSITY (samfélag án aðgreiningar) with the age group (13-30) and helps participants from the field understand the opportunities in the context of European Cooperation within ERAMUS+ programme and how it can strengthen the work that organisations / instituitions / municipalities already do in their Icelandic context.

For more info, please contact us directly or Helga Dagný at RANNÍS.

